Fully equipped to conduct proactive research and development activities in biotechnology and genetic engineering, as well as provide a forum for exchange of information, expertise and know-how among scientists in the field.
Cancer Research
Breast cancer treatment using Prodigosin
Gene editing
Sickle-cell research
Equipment available at BARC
Polymerase Chain Reaction Machine |
Electrophoresis System |
Biosafety Cabinets |
Water conditioner/chiller |
Gel System |
DNA extraction apparatus |
Refrigerated centrifuge |
Clevenger apparatus |
Rotary evaporator |
Electroporators |
UV Spectrophotometer |
Temporal Immersion Bioreactor System |
Incubators |
Growth chambers |
Lyophilizers |
Inverted microscope |
CO2 Incubator |
Incubator shaker |
Molecular Biology Laboratory
- DNA extraction from plant
- Somatic embryogenesis of plants
- Genetic engineering and transformation of plants and micro-organisms
Industrial Biology
- Mushroom cultivation
- Identification of micro-organisms
Agricultural Biology
- In vitro multiplication of plants
- Plant tissue culture
- Macro-propagation of plants
- Post-flask management
Environmental Biology
- Prodigiosin production for cancer treatment
- Maintenance and preservation of cancer cell lines
- Biosynthesis of Gold nanoparticles
- Encapsulation of Prodigiosin in Chitosan to form microphere